Growing Records

Help us out!

We strive to ensure the records are as accurate and up to date as possible. This is not always possible due to the age of some records, or due to the large number of official and unofficial organizations that track these records. Most of these records have been obtained from validated sources, while others can not be validated. When in doubt, we chose the record that seemed to be predominant among other similar sources.

Giant Gardening by no means determines these records to be absolutely correct, as much as we strive toward that purpose, and should not be used as a definitive source for these records. They are provided for casual reference and entertainment value, for the purpose of our visitors to use simply as a guide in this fascinating hobby.

If you have evidence that a particular entry is incorrect, we would love to know, so please EMAIL us the information so that we may validate it and make the necessary corrections. Also, if you have a photo of your own GIANT creation, send it and your info to us and we will add it to the listings as an honorable mention...we love showing off GIANT GARDENING visitor's efforts!

For a condensed list of all records, please go HERE.