Giant Gardening Tall Sunflower Seeds

Tall Sunflower Seeds

10 Seeds
Shipping Weight: 1 lbs.
Our Price: $35.00
Prices include shipping within the Continental US. For other destinations, please contact us for a shipping quote.

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Tall Sunflower Seeds

Giant Gardening (Steven DeRycke) Strain.

GG has been growing and refining record breaking varieties of tall sunflowers for years, and are used by many other sunflower growers. Our current variety can produce the tallest in any given year. With proper care and support these seeds frequently grow sunflowers beyond 20' with the tallest being 26' 5". This is now the 4th tallest sunflower on record.

We used these seeds in 2024 to claim the US Record for Tallest Sunflower (6th tallest recorded in the world)!
Packet includes 10 seeds, increasing your chances to grow a new record.

Steve DeRycke Sunflower Seeds Steve DeRycke Sunflower Seeds

Steve DeRycke Sunflower Seeds Steve DeRycke Sunflower Seeds